martedì 8 novembre 2011

Doomsday scenarios from the standpoint of food (Part Two)

Here is the chronicle of what would happen if there were even a scenario setin the previous post:

  • The epicenter of this perfect storm (made of subsequent disasters or evencontemporary) will probably be in Asia. Although the catalyst could emerge at any place on the planet, the large Asian population, the rapid growth of the food industry and the gap between that sector and the latent capacity of the medical and political systems indicate that Asia has a great chance of being the first dominoes.
  • In this scenario the Asian markets cereals already on the ropes because of the rapid expansion of herds in recent years, would become explosivepushing prices to unprecedented levels, causing repercussions in all global markets 
  • In the United States Congress approved emergency measures to encouragegrain cultivation and suspends subsidies for ethanol production and all non-productive acres included in various conservation programs are unlockedwhile farmers respond with the largest in the history of cereal seed . But as in China in the United States presents the gradual warming of the climate bill in terms of [...] made ​​a succession of droughts, storms, floods hit the corn belt. 
  • With the continuing shortages of grain markets in the food program declaresthe impossibility of feeding some 120 million people in sub Saharan Africa. 
In Central America, millions of people begin to move toward the north, the border with the United States

Some oil supply forecasts indicate that the link between food production and fossil fuels is so narrow that a peak in oil production and the consequentdecline in food supply would reduce the global population of several billion people over the next two decades.

domenica 6 novembre 2011

Doomsday scenarios from the standpoint of food (Part One)

I'm finishing reading the book by Paul Roberts' The End of Food "(Incidentally he is also the author of After the Oil, recommended books both) and I arrivedat the intriguing scenario that, well, the scenarios on resources food are disturbing to say the least. Here's what Paul says:

Given the strength of the reluctance to change the food system and the manypolitical, economic and cultural alignment in favor of the status quo it is nosurprise that real change can only come from outside the system in the form of crisis or shock oblige him to evolve. (Disaster unexpected and potentially catastrophic)


Imagine, for example, then it explodes quell'epidemia of avian influenza that most experts believe inveitabile [...] credible scenarios such as thosedesigned by the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Sydney:
  • In less developed countries [...] about 3 million people die 
  • China and India would lose more than 5 million people [...] 
  • 200,000 deaths in the U.S. 
estimated an outbreak like this would cost U $ 2,200 to each family.


Sure a few cautiously optimistic argued that the probability that there will bean epidemic of this kind are relatively small [...] But these arguments ignorethe fact that bird flu is one of the many bombs that could, conceivably, hit themodern system food. A spike in oil prices, a series of extreme weather events [...] depletion of any of the key aquifers, even one of these conditionswould produce a shock wave of very great extent.

(more. ..)

sabato 5 novembre 2011

How to exit from crisis

  • Not having a parliament for 2 years like in Belgium,
  • Proibition to all politics (National, Regional and Province) to candidate again (extended to parents also)
  • Tecnically recover of 200B € it's easy and technically possible, also this will lower interest costs for next 10 years
  • Cut politics costs (just for a demonstration)
  • Cut of half military expenses in Italy is only Finmeccanica problem ..

lunedì 31 ottobre 2011

Meat conversion rate

Ok it's time to restart blogging. During this year i've been busy with my venture docebo but I think that I have something to share.

First of all, i would like to share something about food. As you know today we arrived to 7 billion person in planet heart and food request is growing. Here are few data about cereals/food that are necessary to obtain 1 kg of meat:

16 Chilos for Cow
6 Chilos for Pork
2,2 - 2,5 Chilos for cicken and fish

Anyway, i'm the I am the 3.980.216.095 in the world, and you? Check it!!